Digester-Related Experience
AGreen Energy, LLC (Boston, MA)
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- Barway Farm Biogas (South Deerfield, MA) & Barstow’s Longview Farm Biogas (Hadley, MA): Assisting with request for proposals, interviews and rating & ranking of four Design-Build teams for a 500 kW biogas system at each of the 250 milking cow farms and including source-separated organics feedstock.
- Jordan Dairy Farm Biogas (Rutland, MA): Providing technical assistance for upgrades to 300kW biogas system with manure from 350 milking cow farm and with source-separated organics feedstock.
Bonnieview Farm (Craftsbury, VT) - Preparing a feasibility study for potential renewable energy options for a sheep dairy with 180 ewes and a cheesemaking facility. Renewable energy options include wind, solar and anaerobic digester/ biogas utilizing the sheep manure, the cheese whey and other on-farm organic materials; Project Manager.
Boucher Farm Biogas (Highgate Center, VT)
- Participated in a feasibility study for a 633 kW complete mix anaerobic digester project for this 250 head Vermont dairy farm. This European system (MWK) would utilize cow manure and crop substrates to power a biogas/methane generator to produce electricity as well as heat for the farm residences and nearby utility buildings. Food waste substrates were also considered. We gained extensive knowledge of this type of system by visiting six similar systems in Austria ranging from 100 kW to 1.1 MW. Ultimately, with major changes in the crop markets, it was determined that the MWK system was not economically feasible for this application; Project Manager.
Town of Castleton, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.54 mgd Sequential Batch Reactor WWTF expansion/upgrade including biological phosphorous removal, septage receiving facility and 400,000 gallon aerobic digester; Project Manager.
Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD, Williston, VT)
Food Waste Digester Study
- Selected as only firm to do a Desktop Study for an Anaerobic Digester System for handling ~2,500 tons/year of food waste for all of Chittenden County.
- Prepared Desktop Study which studied three technologies and recommended one complete mix anaerobic digester technology; Project Manager.
Biosolids Composting Study
- Study and rating/ranking of biosolids disposal/reuse options.
- Assisted with implementation regional solution of beneficial reuse via windrow composting of 15,000 tons/year of biosolids; Project Manager.
Exeter Agri-Energy @ Stonyvale Farm (Exeter, ME)
- Performed design, design coordination and construction phase services for a complete mix anaerobic digester facility to handle cow manure from a 1,000 head dairy farm and source-separated organics feedstock with biogas that fuels a 1.0 MW CHP generator set and provides 3,700,000 btu/hr of process heat and excess heat for surrounding buildings. Also includes a solids separator system that produces animal bedding to replace purchased bedding; Project Manager.
Village of Johnson, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.27 mgd Sequential Batch Reactor WWTF expansion/upgrade including sludge dewatering and aerobic digester; Project Manager.
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for windrow biosolids composting facility; Project Associate/Project Manager.
Magic Hat Brewery (South Burlington, VT)
- Designed a combination horizontal plug flow/partial mix and fixed film anaerobic digester for the Magic Hat beer processing facility in South Burlington, VT. This system utilizes the beer process by-products to produce biogas to fuel boilers for the beer process heat and for their facility building heat. Excess biogas fuels a 350 kW generator; Project Manager.
Maple Meadow Farm ( Salisbury, VT)
- Preparing a feasibility study for a anaerobic digester/biogas system with a ~150 kW CHP unit for this chicken farm with 65,000 laying hens. Possible substrates include cheese whey, beer waste and cider waste as well as possible crop substrates from on the farm; Project Manager.
Town of Milton, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 1.0 mgd Sequential Batch Reactor WWTF expansion/upgrade including biological nutrient removal, centrifuge sludge dewatering and aerobic digester; Project Associate/Project Manager.
City of Newport, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 1.0 mgd Conventional Activated Sludge WWTF expansion/upgrade including septage receiving, sludge dewatering and anaerobic digester additions and upgrades; Project Associate/Project Manager.
Town of Plainfield, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.125 mgd Sequential Batch Reactor WWTF expansion/upgrade including aerobic digesters; Project Associate/Project Manager.
Village of Poultney, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.5 mgd Sequential Batch Reactor WWTF expansion/upgrade including biological phosphorus removal and aerobic digester expansion/upgrade; Project Associate/Project Manager.
Village of Sheldon, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.1 mgd WWTF expansion/upgrade including aerobic digester; Project Associate/Project Manager.
Town of Springfield, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 1.4 mgd Conventional Activated Sludge WWTF expansion/upgrade including anaerobic selectors for biological nutrient removal, sludge dewatering and anaerobic digester additions and upgrades; Project Associate/Project Manager.
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for upgrades to the aerated static pile composting facility including solid waste full certification; Project Associate/Project Manager.
City of Taunton, MA
- Source-Separated Organics/Food Waste Study
- Prepared a feasibility study for a complete mix anaerobic digester facility to handle 360 tons/day (130,000 tons/year) of source-separated organics/food waste and to produce 3.5 MW of energy and ~10,000,000 btu/hr for process heat and for heat for nearby buildings; Project Manager.
- Prepared a feasibility study for an aerated static pile compost facility to handle 360 tons/day of dewatered source-separated organics/food waste digestate and 170 tons/day of yard waste to produce valuable compost products; Project Manager.
University of Vermont (UVM), Burlington, VT
UVM Miller Farm Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study
- Looked at cow and horse manure plus food waste (from the UVM cafeterias) and other on-campus organics to feed an anaerobic digester to provide heat for adjacent buildings and to power a 100 kW generator.
- Phase I:
– Selected as one of two firms hired to each study three technologies.
– Prepared Report with rating and ranking of three technologies; Project Manager. - Phase II:
– Selected as only firm to prepare Phase II study on overall selected technology.
– Prepared Report describing the layout, costs and feasibility of the selected technology; Project Manager.
City of Vergennes, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.660 WWTF expansion/upgrade including tertiary filtration and aerobic digester; Project Associate/Project Manager.
Town of West Rutland, VT
- Construction phase, first year, start-up and operator training services for 0.45 mgd Sequential Batch Reactor WWTF expansion/upgrade including biological phosphorous removal and aerobic digester; Project Associate/Project Manager.
- Visited six biogas sites in Austria with complete mix anaerobic digesters ranging from 100 kW to 1.1 MW with cow, chicken or pig manure and crop waste, food waste and/or glycerin substrates.
- Visited six biogas sites in Ontario, Canada with complete mix anaerobic digesters rated at 500 kW each with cow manure and crop waste, food waste, grease trap and/or glycerin substrates.
- Visited one biogas site in New Brunswick, Canada with a complete mix anaerobic digester system rated at 600 kW with cow manure and food waste substrates.
- Visited one biogas site in Massachusetts with a complete mix anaerobic digester system rated at 300 kW with cow manure and source-separated organics and food waste substrates.
- Visited one biogas site in Vermont with plug flow digesters rated at 15 kW with cow manure only.